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2011-11-30 -
Streamline Your Super
Streamline Your Super
Finding it time-consuming managing your employee super-annuation obligations? …there is a better way!
Business Tip: Streamline Your Super:
Instead of paying superannuation contributions into the fund nominated by each employee (which can be quite time-consuming particularly where, as is often the case, employees in the same company nominate different funds from one another) use the Government’s Small Business Superannuation Clearing House instead!
Introduced on 1 July 2010, the Clearing House streamlines your employee superannuation obligations by allowing you to pay all Superannuation Guarantee contributions to a single location – Medicare Australia. Having made these payments, your obligations are complete. Medicare Australia is then responsible for distributing the amounts to each of your employees’ nominated superannuation funds. Put simply, the Clearing House facility takes the hassle out of super.
Having been operational for more than one year now, 98% of surveyed employers using the Clearing House are satisfied with the service.
To register for this free service, visit the MedicareAustralia website.
This information is provided by:
Australian Bookkeepers Network Pty Ltd