Description of Service |
Price (ex GST) |
Senior Bookkeeper rate
- Data entry (Invoices, Purchases)
- Payments
- Debtor & Creditor Allocations
- Bank statement reconciliations
- Credit Card reconciliations
- General Ledger Reconciliations (GST, PAYG, Superannuation, Loan accounts etc)
- Payroll & Superannuation
* Prepay 10 or more hours and receive 10% discount
Training rate
- One to one training in MYOB or Xero
- Microsoft Office software
Half Day Training
- One to one training in MYOB mor Xero
Full Day Training
- One to one training in MYOB or Xero
MYOB Data File Health Check (existing database)
- Review MYOB Setup, Accounts List, GST Coding and other data - as per the Checklist
- Provide a client report on any issues
$350.00 each
Setup new MYOB database
- Account list
- Tax Codes
- Linked Accounts
- BASlink
$350.00 each
Customise Forms
- Customisation of Invoices, Statements, Remittance Advices and Payslips.
(Set of 4)
IAS preparation and lodgement
- Reconciliation of Wages and PAYG withholding
- Online Lodgement
$40.00 each
BAS preparation and lodgement
- Reconciliation of GST
- Reconciliation of Wages and PAYG Withholding
- Online Lodgement
$140.00 each
Monthly payroll tax returns
- Reconcile Wages and PAYG, FBT & Super by State
- Monthly Lodgement
$75.00 each
End of year STP Payroll Finalisations
- Reconcile annual Wages and PAYG withholding
- Adjustments and Update Events to reconcile STP to software
- Submit STP Finalisation to ATO
per employee
End of year compliance – Companies & Associations with Employees
- Review Balance Sheet items
- Review Profit & Loss items
- Reconcile/Review loan accounts
- Reconcile/Review GST
- Reconcile/Review Income Tax instalments
- Reconcile/Review Debtors
- Reconcile/Review Creditors
- Review prepayments
- Review Entertainment expenses
- Reconcile/Review Wages, Super, PAYG Withholding
- Reconcile Other Payables
- Review Suspense accounts
- Information sent to Accountants & respond to queries
- Process End of Year Journals
$1,200.00 each
End of year compliance – Companies & Associations without Employees
- Review Balance Sheet items
- Review Profit & Loss items
- Reconcile/Review loan accounts
- Reconcile/Review GST
- Reconcile/Review Income Tax instalments
- Reconcile/Review Debtors
- Reconcile/Review Creditors
- Review prepayments
- Review Entertainment expenses
- Review Suspense accounts
- Information sent to Accountants & respond to queries
- Process End of Year Journals
$625.00 each
End of year compliance – Sole traders, Partnerships & Trusts with Employees
- Review Balance Sheet items
- Review Profit & Loss items
- Reconcile/Review loan accounts & Owner Drawings
- Reconcile/Review GST
- Reconcile/Review Income Tax instalments
- Reconcile/Review Debtors
- Reconcile/Review Creditors
- Review prepayments
- Review Entertainment expenses
- Reconcile/Review Wages, Super, PAYG Withholding
- Reconcile Other Payables
- Review Suspense accounts
- Information sent to Accountants & respond to queries
- Process End of Year Journals
$565.00 each
End of year compliance – Sole traders, Partnerships & Trusts without Employees
- Review Balance Sheet items
- Review Profit & Loss items
- Reconcile/Review loan accounts & Owner Drawings
- Reconcile/Review GST
- Reconcile/Review Income Tax instalments
- Reconcile/Review Debtors
- Reconcile/Review Creditors
- Review prepayments
- Review Entertainment expenses
- Review Suspense accounts
- Information sent to Accountants & respond to queries
- Process End of Year Journals
$375.00 each
Micro Businesses