Business Calculators & Tools
ABN Fact Sheet explaining how having the right trading structure is critical for your business.
Calculator to determine available hours and hours needed to complete projects, tasks etc.
Calculates cash balances at the end of every month. Included sales, debtor receipts, monthly expenses, taxes etc.
Plan your next project with this template. Includes goals, milestones, resources and completion dates.
Form to track your petty cash reimbursements using the Imprest system.
Reconciles pallets for warehouses and supply stores to stocktake. Includes pallets transferred on and off.
Office relocation checklist. Ensure that your office relocation goes smoothly with this handy checklist!
Checklist template for organising functions and meetings including room setup, equipment and food requirements.
Charge out rate calculator. Takes into consideration wages, available or chargeable hours, cost overheads and percentage mark up.
GST-Free Portion Calculator needs just the 'total invoice amount' and the 'GST amount' of an invoice to find the GST-able & GST-Free portions of an invoice. Then you simply enter two transaction lines into your accounting package; first, a GST-coded line using the GST-able amount; next, a FRE-coded line, using the GST-Free amount.
Don't worry if the GST-Free amount has a negative value. Simply code this line "N-T" (Non-Reportable) to keep everything correct for your BAS reporting !!
This worksheet reconciles End of year GST on a cash basis in an accrual accounting system. Takes into consideration GST on sales and purchases not yet paid.
ATO Interactive worksheet to help calculate and print GST liability. (Note this document can not be saved once filled in).
Calculates depreciation of an asset under Prime Cost and Declining Balance methods.
Sample Credit Policy, setting out the circumstances in which you will extend credit, how the credit applications will be assessed and how your clients’ will maintain their credit standing. It’s a great document to have hanging on your wall to remind staff and customers alike!
ATO Fact Sheet NAT 7392-09 2010. Describes how to correctly complete your Business Activity Statement (BAS).
Processing checklist of end of year reconciliations and reports for Bookkeepers.