Why my profit and cash flow were the same!

This financial year the strangest thing happened – my profit and my cashflow increase were virtually the same!

A lot of business owners confuse profit with cashflow and actually expect to see a corresponding increase in cashflow every time they make a profit. In reality, that rarely happens. So how did I manage to achieve this near impossible feat, and – is it a good thing?


Greater Productivity for Greater Profit

We all know that to improve net profit we either increase our prices or decrease our costs, right?  It’s almost a cliché, and one that just might prevent you from finding the real profit drains in your business.

And here’s the kicker – it could be you!


How to Manage Van Stock in MYOB

With new cloud technology and applications such as ServiceM8 and MYOB’s On the Go app, the ability to make mobile sales is rapidly expanding.  Of course, managing stock out in the field is an important part of that process.


ServiceM8 makes job management easy

 ServiceM8 is a powerful service and job management companion, helping to make your everyday tasks easier and improve the efficiency of running your business.


MYOB AccountRight Live Vs Xero

There has been a lot of interest in the emerging Xero software and how this might compare to the recently upgraded MYOB product - AccountRight Live. Firstly, let's get one thing straight - These are two completely different systems.


How cloud accounting can help you save time and money

MYOB explains how their unique combination of desktop and cloud based software gives users flexibility and choice and allows businesses to improve their bottom line!


Superannuation Guarantee to increase to 12%

The Federal Government has announced some major changes to super recently when the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Amendment Bill 2011 was introduced into Parliament.  One change of particular significance to small business will be the increase to the Superannuation Guarantee charge - with the current rate of 9% set to gradually increase to 12% by July 2019.


Business Tip - Delay Asset Purchases

Small business taxpayers will soon benefit from more generous depreciation rules which will ultimately improve cash flow by allowing bigger deductions in earlier years following the purchase of a depreciating asset (e.g. office machines, furniture, equipment, cars etc.). Commencing 1 July 2012, small business taxpayers (i.e. those with an annual turnover of less than $2 million, including the turnover of affiliates and associated

entities) will benefit from the following two measures:



Like us on Facebook for your FREE Gift!

No gimmicks, no tricks, just like us on facebook, then click the tab FREE gift for fans and fill in your details - and your free gift will be on its way!

This offer is for a limited time and is only available to Australian residents. 

Follow the link to connect with us today.    facebook


Streamline Your Super

Business Tip
Streamline Your Super
Instead of paying superannuation contributions
into the fund nominated by each employee
(which can be quite time-consuming particularly
where, as is often the case, employees in the
same company nominate different funds from
one another) use the Government’s Small
Business Superannuation Clearing House
Introduced on 1 July 2010, the Clearing House
streamlines your employee superannuation
obligations by allowing you to pay all
Superannuation Guarantee contributions to a
single location – Medicare Australia. Having
made these payments, your obligations are
complete. Medicare Australia is then responsible
for distributing the amounts to each of your
employees’ nominated superannuation funds.
Put simply, the Clearing House facility takes the
hassle out of super.
Having been operational for more than one year
now, 98% of surveyed employers using the
Clearing House are satisfied with the service. To
register for this free service, visit the Medicare
Australia website.


Finding it time-consuming managing your employee super-annuation obligations? …there is a better way!


New Knock Knock Products

Express your wit, and make it stick – with our bestselling collection of Sticky Notes from Knock Knock. Delivering efficient functionality with loads of personality, each sheet is a virtual powerhouse of communication potential. Buy them. Use them. Reposition them. Laugh at them. Just don’t lick them.

cubicle notes - please


Minimise Your Business Tax This Year

We all want to avoid paying too much tax.  Luckily, according to ABN Tax, there are some simple things you can do to minimise your income tax for the 2011 financial year:


Mothers Day Gift Ideas

Looking for a great gift for Mother's Day? Try our Mother's Day selection for some inspiration!


curlygirl_somethings require cake



The Importance of the Right Trading Structure

In the frenzy of operating a business on a day-to-day basis, it can be easy to lose sight of some of the bigger picture issues. ABN Tax explain how having the right trading structure is critical on so many fronts and really does deserve the attention of both you and your advisor.


Delegate, don’t abdicate!

Many small business owners are worried about outsourcing because they fear losing control of their key business functions. 


Tips to consolidate rather than capitulate?

Business Systems Specialist, Tamara Simon says many businesses need to take a different view of the GFC to ensure they are still in business in 2011.


Invest in induction rather than recruitment

Induction is an essential component of the recruitment and selection process, but as Business Systems Specialist, Tamara Simon, explains many employers make the mistake of overlooking this important process.


How to use economies of scale in your small business

It may seem like a contradiction, but as Stephanie Lee of Imprest Business Services explains, many savvy small businesses are beating the big boys at their own game and securing big discounts on a whole range of services.


Expectations when hiring

When hiring new staff, employers should have a clear idea about what to expect from potential employees. Employees also need to consider their own needs and requirements.


Are you valuing your time (and that of your clients)?

Do you arrive at every job or meeting on time? Being punctual is easier than you think. Business Systems Specialist, Tamara Simon, has a few simple tips on forward planning.


Forum answers YOUR questions

Join our forum and get all your bookkeeping, MYOB and BAS questions answered by our expert team! 

You don't have to be an Imprest client - and it is FREE! What's the catch? 

We need people who are passionate about business to contribute to our forum and make it the number one resource for all business owners!!


Have you created your difficult clients?

Many business owners/managers would probably scoff at this idea and say “of course not”. But as Business Consultant, Tamara Simon, points out, we do actually create rather than gain many of our difficult clients.



Stylish fashion accessory and functional USB drive in one!


This unique and beautiful art pendant isn’t just a fashionable accessory – it also doubles as a USB Flash drive.  The drive has a 2 GB capacity so it can hold all your data, safely and securely.  Wear this handy device around your neck and you’ll never lose your flash drive again!



Internet Research? You're already doing it!!

Doesn’t that sound like something Madge from Palmolive would say?  If you are reading this article you are well on your way to doing internet research.  To get the best out of your internet research however, you need to do more than dip your fingertips in it!


New - Client Spotlights

It's not just the team at Imprest that have great stories to share!  That's why we are excited to announce a new section to our website - monthly client spotlights.


In the Press

Read about Imprest in the Press!

Bizoomi Editorial -Entrepreneurial Sisters with Vision!

Read the full story on the Bizoomi Website.


Work Life Balance

Running your own business to give you more time to be with and care for your family sounds great in principle, but we all need to take care to keep a work life balance. 


Benchmarking your Business

If you get regular financial reports it is easy to track how much profit (or loss) you are making. But what else can these reports tell you?


New Sorted home & office stationery

Why Home Office Stationery?

With the trend of more people working from home and in small office environments, the need for well designed and functional storage products and stationery is growing.


Improve your cash flow by overhauling your credit policies!

Clear credit control policies reduce the likelihood of bad debts, reduce finance costs, & ensure efficient cash flow planning.  Now is an ideal time to review your practices!

“If I owe you a pound, I have a problem; but if I owe you a million, the problem is yours.” – John Maynard Keynes



Kelly becomes an MYOB Certified Consultant

Our Managing Director, Kelly, is now an MYOB Certified Consultant!


Paperwork out of control: Get Organised!

Creating an effective filing system is one of the easiest ways a business can get organised and also increase productivity and get you back in control.